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DevOps Engineer Data Services Portability (m/w/d) Kubernetes, PostgreSQL & Kafka - Berlin & remote

Berlin & remote
ab sofort bis 12/2024 + Option

Für unseren Kunden in Berlin suchen wir ab sofort einen DevOps Engineer Data Services Portability (m/w/d) Kubernetes, PostgreSQL & Kafka für den voraussichtlichen Zeitraum bis 12/2024 mit der Option auf langfristige Verlängerung. In diesem großen Greenfield-Projekt kann unter Nutzung moderner Technologien ein Beitrag zur Energiewende geleistet werden. Das Projekt ist als Vollzeitbeschäftigung geplant. Eine Woche pro Monat findet vor Ort in Berlin statt.

Hinweis: Bitte sehen Sie von Bewerbungen ab, die nicht alle Mindestkriterien erfüllen.

Project Description:
The team is building an internal platform for software product developers to accelerate the development and delivery of software products to tackle the massive challenges facing the energy sector. The Platform is a service oriented, cloud-native platform that is being built to provide application teams with self-service capabilities to develop, run and operate their software products. The Platform provides services for application infrastructure, data, service lifecycle management, application build and delivery as well as services to operate their software products. The platform is deployed as a hybrid cloud, encompassing both private cloud and selected public clouds.

Profile Requirements
- Strong Technical Skills: A solid foundation in scripting, automation, and system configuration
- Engineering Background: An engineering background to design and implement robust solutions, not just quick fixes
- Problem-Solving: Exceptional troubleshooting and problem-solving skills, with a focus on root cause analysis and sustainable solutions
- Self-Motivated: The ability to work independently and take initiative in identifying and addressing technical challenges

Must have:
- Kubernetes Expertise: Thorough knowledge of how Kubernetes operates internally, which involves setting it up, adjusting its size, fixing issues, and managing various Kubernetes versions. This also includes use of Helm charts. Understanding how its networking and storage functions work on a low level. Having experience with cloud provided (like AKS, GKE) as well as self-managed/on-prem K8s clusters:
- Data technologies: Profound experience in operating databases and message brokers is a must. Thus includes PostgreSQL, Kafka:
- Infrastructure Management: Experience in administering infrastructure components and proficiency in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a must. A strong grasp of how data is stored, shared, and secured (storage) and how information moves within the cloud setups from a networking perspective is necessary. Good understanding of ingress and egress flows both internally and externally including interconnect across the cloud. Tools like Terraform and Terragrunt.
- CI/CD: Proven ability to set up and manage CI/CD pipelines using tools like GitLab, Jenkins, Tekton, Argo Workflows, and Argo CD. GitOps knowledge ArgoCD / Flux.
- Proficiency in both speech and writing in English (at least C1)

Nice to have:
- Knowledge/experience of Kubernetes operator concept
- Observability Systems: Proficiency in setting up monitoring and logging systems for real-time insights into system performance. Familiarity with tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and optionally other similar stacks (e.g., EFK - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) and monitoring technologies like Splunk, Datadog, etc.
- Admin and Ops Experience: Previous experience in system administration and operations roles is preferred.
- Security: Prioritizing security-by-design principles. Proficiency in securing the system using SSL/TLS encryption for data protection, experience with secret stores like HashiCorp Vault, and an understanding of the zero-trust and the least privilege security concept.
- Understanding of releasing concepts and service versioning (e.g., SemVer).

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Ihr Ansprechpartner
Julia Jansen

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